If you already have a website and you are having problems getting people to visit. Have you tried setting up more free blogs and website of your own with a similar topic and and links to your main website. It may take a little bit of time but soon as you get going you'll find your enjoy it somewhat more. The best thing is you can spend as much time on it as you like and you don't have to worry about the cost of having a web designer doing it for you, lets face it web designers ain't cheap.
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Websites & Blogs.
1st Thing I Would Do For Improving Website Traffic.
The first thing i would do if i needed more traffic to my website would be...
Setup a Blogger (which you are on if you are reading this). They are very easy to use and they have alot to offer the blogger. You can add images into to content videos and mainly links to any website you like. Maybe best to link to your site as that was the idea in the first place... Anyway when you set your self up with an account with Google Blogger not only can you active a blog very easy, you can have as many blogs as you like (whilst your there check out Gadgets - AdSence it about earning money on your blog via ads). I say if it adds pennies to the bank and it free and take 5 mins to set up then what have i got to loose...
2nd Thing I Would Do To Improve My Web Site Traffic.
The next thing I would to improve traffic to my website would be to set up a Wordpress Blog. Again they are very easy to setup, multi blogs from one account, easy to use, lots of different design templates that look great but the best thing about Wordpress Blogs are that the search engines love them. Wordpress Blog seem to get picked up by the search engines very fast. Make sure you have around 3-4 links per 1000 word post going to the website that you are trying to promote. Remember every time you post something you are adding links which in time you will mount up and make Google see your website as something that seems to be quite important because you will have loads of very important and well needed link to your website.
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