Increasing traffic to your website is probably one of the biggest thing that online publishers & advertisers think about. No point in having a fantastic website with great products if there is nobody is coming to visit...
Outgoing Links From Your Website/Blog
Outgoing Links From Your Website/Blog
The search engine's take a dis-like websites that are dead ends, a dead end is a website with no links going anywhere what i mean is other websites. Links are the usually high lighted text that when you click on them they show you something else on the World Wide Web whether is by opening up another window or by using the existing window. The web is just as it sound just like a spiders web of information, an interconnected web, allowing visitors to click through from one website to another website. Dead ends are a big waste of time and money considering the time, money and effort that goes into building a website/blog. Always make sure you have some out going links to other websites on the World Wide Web. Obviously, not to your competitors websites, you could always find websites that are complementary to your website, ones that your visitors will find helpful. The best thing to do is have a completely separate page on your website/ blog for “Links” and put all your outgoing links there. Don't put them in the text of your web pages keep those area's for best links. Without sounding lie I'm going back on what i just said but i find that having a link at the bottom of each page helps too.
Page Ranking
This is a concept brought in by Google themselves and is such a very closely guarded secret. Google uses this protocol to decide how much a web page is relevant to natural search result. Page Rank is a number given to each page of a website/blog that gets listed within the Google’s index. Website/blog pages with a higher page ranking are looked at by Google as being more important and have more use to the visitor than those with a lower page ranking. Page Ranking 10 being the very best and Page Ranking 1 being the very least.
It's really important to understand that “page ranking” is given to a page of a website, and each web page within the same website can be a different page ranking. A complete website is not given a page rank, its the individual pages that are given page rankings. These page rank numbers go from 1 - 10 but in this system each number is seen to be twice as relevant as the previous page. So there is a massive difference between, say, page rank 3 and page rank 4. If a web page has a Page Ranking of 4 – it is seen as being twice as relevant/important to a website that has a Page Ranking of 3.
Page Rank came about thorough a comparison with the way academic authors get referenced. Lets just say for instance If author (1) writes an article, he might have quoted from an article previously written by author (2). The rule of quoting someone else’s articles mean that author (1) must give credit to author (2), so author (1) must clearly cite author (2)s articles. In the academic world, the more times an author’s article's are cited or referenced, the more recognized and relevant that the authors article's are said to be. So if author (3) gets no-one referencing their articles but author (4) gets a massive amount of authors referring to their articles author (4) is rated much higher than author (3).
The founders of Google brought this same “referencing system” to the search engine world. The more times a website/blog is referenced (linked to) by other websites/blogs, the more relevant that website is said to be. A website/blogs Page Ranking will bet better by having more websites/blogs linking to it. Each time a webmaster adds a link from their website/blog to a different website/blog it’s like they are telling the search engines that they like the website and that they rate it highly.
Its just like if you were going to report a site for any bad reason Google will do something about it like dropping you from their index or something. Links from site to site are just another way of telling Google that the site is liked, on that note Google will be happy to introduce you (your website/blog) to his friends (more visitors).
Page Ranking is only one way of many that Google uses to figure out how highly a website/blog will get within the natural search results… but still it is pretty important thought. So, the more websites that link to your website/blog, the higher your page ranking will be resulting in the higher up your website/blog can get within the natural search results.
How Can We Tell What Page Ranking Our Website/Blog Has ???
The best way to find out what page ranking any website/blog page has, is to install "Google Toolbar" in your browser. Google’s Toolbar displays a “Page Rank” icon showing the page rank of the page you are viewing at that time.
Links from other Websites
Over the course of time, if your website is nicely executed in appearance, content and perceived value/usefulness you'll find that you will get other people linking to your website/blog from their website, which is fantastic. You can speed things up by approaching suitable website/blog owners, through their website, asking them for a reciprocal link. You can agree to link to their website/blog, if they add a link to your website/blog. This is a win win situation for everybody.
Feel free to link to this site and my Build Me A Website in return shall
ad a link back to yours from each both of these sites.
Posting Article's In Forum
You gotta be slightly careful with this method because many forum owners dislike it but… sign up anyway with forums that are relevant to your website/blog subject. You are sometimes allowed to add a link to your own website/blog in your “signature”. You will not get away with go around blatantly publicizing your website/blog detail everywhere you like, they will only go and ban/block you from their forum but if you contribute to the discussions in a meaningful way which is helpful to their visitors then you could end up with having many of your posts in their forums, each with a link to your website/blog. This is especially good if the forum has a high Page Ranking.
Article Writing
There are loads of well recognized “article directory” websites on the World Wide Web. Anyone can write an “article” and submit it to any of these article directories. You just add a link based at the bottom of each article directed to your website/blog. You just write something good about a subject and submit it to the directories and wait to see if they consider it. If they like it, they will add it to their site. Other people with websites can then add written your article into their website/blog. They do this as a fast and easy way of adding more content to their website/blog. This way, you get your article with the link to your website/blog, so your article will not only appearing in the article directory but also appearing within many other websites/blogs.
So, make sure your website/blog isn’t just a dead end. By adding links for the Google Bot to exit from will change all that, then get working on your Google Page Ranking by getting in bound links. All the ideas i have discussed will increase your website/blog traffic count, but mainly they will help to increase your Page Ranking… End result being your website/blog getting a better placement within the natural search results which will increase your traffic by a landslide.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips To Improve Traffic To Your Website Or Blog.
For search engine optimization (SEO) purposes it is critical that you choose the very best keywords & key phrases for your website or blog in order to improve your web traffic, this is a lot harder that it sounds. If your topic is “Graphic Designer” there is no benefit to anyone by cramming your webpage with the words “graphic designer”.
The search engines are more than clever enough to use semantics in identifying the content on each pages they crawl and index. The word semantic stands for “the meaning of” and it is a way that search engines can identify the relationship between things on the World Wide Web, such as words, concepts and ideas. Google is fantastic at semantics so choosing the keywords you are going to use needs plenty of thought, you need to get your head around how it works how it all works. Doing this will give you a much better head start than having to come back later a re-designing the content on you pages later.
The big picture is to make Google, Bing, Yahoo and the other search engines around, to realize that your webpage or blog is relevant to the searched topic. To do this, you need to use a few different keywords & key phrases within your website or blog pages. Keywords that are both directly and indirectly related to your topic so that your page is seen as a more of a comprehensive source of information about the sector your in.
How To Choose Good Keywords & Key Phrases To Improve Traffic To My Website or Blog.
Ok let me start by saying for example, with the subject of "Graphic Design" a page that had the keywords “Graphic Design - Graphic Design" written all over it might be seen as relevant. However, Google knows that there are loads of other phrases and keywords & key phrases that related to the subject of graphic design's and pages that include many of those other relevant keywords & key phrases will be seen as more relevant. Other kinds of phrases such as Graphic Designer, Website Designer, Web Design, Design website's, Create Web Site's, Create Website's, Build Website's etc etc. These are all keywords and key phrases that will help with the search engine optimization of your website or blog page's and improve web traffic because they are keywords and key phrase's that you would expect to find in a (good/comprehensive) Graphic Designers webpage or blog. All major Search engines would expect to find them there without any question.
With a bit of lateral thinking you can probably come up with a long list of keywords and key phrases by yourself but, the only issue with that is that you will probably already have an idea in your head of what you think would be great keywords & key phrases are. Don't leave it to chance but maybe you yourself could be over looking some really important keywords & key phrases and only because this is a subject that is very close to your heart (WE ALL DO IT) I find that the best thing to do is ask a friend or a family member what they would search for if they wanted to find a website or blog that advertises in the same sector as you do. Keep a pen and paper handy because the keywords and key phrases that they tell you could and are probable the keywords and key phrases that others would use to find your website or blog. All this is so very important for the search engine optimization (SEO) of your website or blog if you want to improve the amount of web traffic to your website or blog.
Keyword Tools are a massive help to find your important keywords and key phrases for your website or blog. All you need to do is type in to the box selected the keywords or key phrases that you would most expect to use, The keyword tool will come out with a list of which other keywords and key phrases are related to the keyword or key phrases of your choice.
I use the Google Adwords Keyword Tool and its been such a big help within my online world I couldn't even begin to explain, although I will say once I started improving the usage of keywords & key phrases it really improved the traffic to my website's and blogs... Google Adword Keyword Tool not only tell me which keywords & key phrases are related but they also tell me how many times that keyword gets typed in each month whether it be local (which for me would be the UK) or whether it's international (world wide), they even tell me how much competition there is within the search engines for that keyword or Key phrase. The way they tell it is (Low, Med & High).
Check it out for yourself if you haven't already, it's free and it will make a massive difference to how well your website or blog does in the natural search results. All this will really help you get more and improved amount of web traffic directed to your website or blog because there is more chance of your website or blog getting noticed being that it will be placed higher up within the search results.
When you have worked on selecting the best keywords and key phrases for your website or blog, you can start working on putting together the content for your website or blog pages, making sure that you work the keywords and key phrases into the text in a nice and smooth manner.
Remember what I said earlier about not just cramming in blocked keywords, Google does not like this and NEVER try to hide them on a page as Google will most typically ban you from their index. When I mean by hiding keywords & key phrases on the page I mean by having black text on a black background.
I hope you have found this to be of help to you...
I shall keep updating so don't forget to pop back once in a while.
If you need any help putting this potion into motion then you can contact me via my blog.
Build Me A Website